Our Holiday Sale is over - but you can still get Windscribe for $69/year!
What's the holiday season without gifts? Garbaggio, that's what. Sure, family time is nice, but can it compare to three Sega Dreamcasts taped together and a used copy of Blade Trinity? Exactly. Gifts are life, and giving them is almost as good as getting them. So here's your chance to make everyone's holiday awesome with the gift of privacy. Plus a little something-something for you too!

Offer 1: Windscribe Pro for yourself — only $39! That's $30 off. Tell Big Brother and nosy ISP's to f*&! themselves! Treat yourself to privacy—you deserve it, you big beauty!
Offer 2: Windscribe Gift Cards for $39! Share online freedom with friends and family. Let little Greta know that her Windscribe Pro membership is safe for the environment as it is powered by meth-loving hamsters on hamster-wheel generators. Tell your brother-in-law that he can finally sign up for Ashley Madison without ruining his family's trust in him, but preface it with "they'll still find out, because you used your real name and credit card, you idiot.” The options are endless!

Windscribe makes a great stocking stuffer for everyone (including yourself if you like stuffing your own stockings), because literally everyone deserves privacy from ISPs, marketing companies, and governments. Plus Windscribe makes a unique gift, unlike the Armani Aqua Di Gio cologne you receive every year. Let's face it, it smells like New Jersey and looks like pee. Not Windscribe though, we don't smell like anything. The jury is still out on whether we look like pee, though.

We love you, and wish we could be there to get hammy-shammered with you all during the holidays, but we can't. We never drink, because when we drink, people get pregnant. Suuuper pregnant. And you know what they say about drinking and pregnancy... it could lead to children that grow up to write emails for VPN companies.
Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones, may all of your wishes come true.
Fat smoochies,
Team Windscribe