It’s been eons since we released an update for our Windows and Mac applications. It wasn’t out of laziness, or our addiction to SpaceX launches distracting us, oh no, it’s because we rewrote the entire app! That’s right, the Windscribe team has spent the last year hard at work adding requested features, fixing bugs and ensuring that our app works flawlessly. In fact, the beta versions have been available in our Discord server (join it, it’s a hilarious place with exceptionally great users) since late last year. After stringent testing and quality control, we are proud to announce that the newly redesigned app is officially ready for use by the general public. Now all of you Windows and Mac users can browse with even more ease than before. To our beloved Linux users, you have not been forgotten, we are working on the Linux version in the next release!
You can get this app right now, on our Downloads page.

What’s new, what’s different?
Great question, in short, a lot is new. We’ve packed quite a few features into a very compact app. Let’s take a quick tour and go through some of Windscribe 2.0’s latest bells and whistles.
1. New Interface

The most noticeable difference is the the look of the app. It still resembles the old app, and the main screen has all the same functionality. We rounded some corners, and made the app look a lot more modern.
As you can see, we have come a long way from the initial app design. Notice the sleek rounded corners, the stylish modern look, and the size of the flags. Pretty sweet, if you ask us.
2. Unparalleled Connectivity

Windscribe now offers SIX different protocols to choose from, including Wireguard, alongside over 20 different connection ports. With this much flexibility, you’ll be able to connect to any network your heart desires, regardless of your location.
- WireGuard — The latest next-generation VPN protocol that offers record-breaking speeds. Connect on 6 different ports.
- IKEv2 — Offers fastest connection times and high speeds on most networks.
- OpenVPN (UDP) — OpenVPN over UDP protocol. De facto VPN standard for years. Connect on 6 different ports.
- OpenVPN (TCP) — OpenVPN over TCP protocol. Helpful on restrictive networks. Connect on 11 different ports.
- Stealth — OpenVPN masked to look like HTTPS traffic. Helpful on restrictive networks. Connect on 11 different ports.
- WStunnel — OpenVPN masked to look like Websocket traffic. Helpful on restrictive networks.
3. Split Routing

There may be instances where you don’t wish to tunnel all your traffic through a VPN, so Windscribe offers two split tunneling types and two modes for each one.
- Per-app split tunneling — Allows you to select or exclude the specific apps you want to go over the VPN tunnel
- Network level split tunneling — Allows you to select or exclude which IP addresses, domains, or entire IP networks you want tunneled over the VPN.
4. MAC Address Spoofing

When you use a public Wifi hotspot or connection, the network’s operators will usually store your MAC address in a database. This allows them to track you when you return to the same network, or across different networks operated by the same company (like your local Starbucks vs the airport Starbucks). MAC spoofing lets you generate a new MAC address every time you connect, on every network, so you always appear like a new user. Say it with us, “No more tracking!”
5. Network Rules
With Windscribe 2.0 you can now create custom rules for different Wifi networks! As soon as you enter a new Wifi hotspot, Windscribe can automatically connect or disconnect from a VPN server, or connect you via your preferred protocol (the last part is coming in a future update).
6. Custom Config Support

Let’s say you have your own personally operated VPN servers or servers that are provided by your workplace or maybe even servers from a different VPN provider. Now you can import any OpenVPN or WireGuard VPN config into the app and use it as if it’s a Windscribe location — and still get all the benefits and features of Windscribe. You don’t even need a Windscribe account! Simply choose “Config only” mode from the splash screen, and use Windscribe as a VPN utility!
7. Search

Behold a revolutionary new feature that allows you to search for Windscribe locations by country name, city name, or location nickname.
8. Automatic Updating

Do you know what time it is? It’s the last time you will ever have to manually download a new update and install it. We’ve also added multiple update channels:
- Release — for stable and battle-tested versions ready for prime time.
- Beta — for more frequently updated versions than in the Release channel. Get the latest and greatest versions faster.
- Guinea Pig — bleeding edge updates, fresh from the build pipeline. These versions may be unstable, but you don’t care about that, you’re a guinea pig!
9. Command Line Interface

Behold the ability to control the app through the CLI! Very handy for scripting.
10. Whole lot more
If we talk about every single new feature, we’ll be here all day. Just download the new version and try it for yourself. Perhaps you’ll discover that we’ve added something that you’ve wished for in the past!
Next Release
We never rest, the work on the next release already started weeks before we released this version. Here’s what we have in the pipeline:
- Linux Support — yes, we’re retiring the old CLI app in favor for the above GUI version. But don’t worry you 1337 h4x0r5, it will still feature a command line interface.
- External DNS — When you use Windscribe, you use R.O.B.E.R.T. DNS. You may want to use your own DNS server in certain situations. This will allow you to.
- Van Gogh Mode — Alternative UI that’s a rectangle (missing the ears *chuckle*). We’re all about dat symmetry. Also helps with OCD.