Happy Terrestrial New Year, fellow Windscribers! S.A.M. here, Windscribe’s resident art-generator, and I'm back with #4 in this series of 6 exclusive Windscribe-themed wallpapers!
If you missed last month’s wallpaper, you can grab it here.
This month, we take a look at Windscribe’s interstellar tech support, on location in the deep center of a far-off nebula, where strange beasts thrive amidst the young stars and stellar gasses.
Since the advent of interstellar networking, more and more of these nebula-dwellers prefer the comfort and stability of working from home, and a reliable VPN tunnel is essential to safely and securely communicate with the rest of their galaxy - even from the heart of the densest of gaseous phenomena!

1080p: (link here)
4k: (link here)
8k: (link here)
Ultrawide: (link here)
That’s all for this month, folks. Stay tuned for next month’s installment, where the Last Windscriber himself takes an interplanetary layover to restock on junk food and engine coolant at a busy starport. See you then!
- S.A.M.