August Updates From Windscribe
Too lazy or unable to read? Then this may fall on deaf ears, but we've made a video version of this email.
Don't like moving pictures? No problem - just keep reading the words on your screen, and they'll describe what you're missing by not watching the video.
What's this? Another Windscribe newsletter? You better believe it, sweet-cheeks. We're going to be sending you one of these babies every month from now on. We're taking this relationship to the next level, with regular updates for you so you know exactly what we're up to. Our love language is communication, and we know yours is too.
But enough about our relationship expertise, let's talk about Windscribe. As day-to-day life continues in all different directions and geographical orientations, we're reaching Buddha-like levels of stability. Our latest engineering hires have been jumped-in to the Windscribe Gang, our website redesign is full steam ahead, and our encryption is swoller than Popeyes forearms after a dose of anabolic steroids spinach. At least we hope that's why his forearms are that big...
A FreshScribe & An Audit
Just in case you missed the major news last month, the highly anticipated Windscribe VPN audit results are in! This means we now have more oversight than the U.S. Secret Service. PacketLabs looked into us like a suspicious customs agent at an airport. They straight penetration tested us. Check out some of the sweet compliments they left our upgraded VPN stack in their report.
"Overall, the penetration test against the Windscribe stack yielded minimal security concerns."
"During the retest, all findings that posed any potential risk were promptly remediated."
"Based on the changes deployed during the retest and the source-code reviewed during the original penetration test, it's evident that notable development work has been implemented as a part of the Windscribe
microservice stack to reduce, and/or prevent the disclosure of end user information."
(Concluding Statements - PacketLabs Audit Report - Page 17)
The new stack (FreshScribe) roll out is underway, with some new super exciting features in the works.
Apple TV App Coming Soon
Everyone loves it when their favorite privacy company implements user-requested features. Literally everyone. Don't question it. Anyways, after reading through mountains of handwritten letters, telegrams and watching for fire signals on the horizon, we concluded we should probably give the people what they want, lest we end up in some kind of Marie Antoinette situation. Keep your earballs open this September, because we are gonna drop it on you faster than we drop our pants after eating Taco Bell. Just like Antoinette said, "Let them watch Apple TV."
Big Time Apps Updates
The Windscribe Android and iOS apps now support custom DNS. You ever wanted to wrangle your DNS and wrestle it to the ground until it says "customize me”? Now you can. Don't know what any of this means? Everything you could ever want to know is on our blog. We also added quick connect shortcuts to our Android app, in case you need VPN access in 0.4 seconds instead of 1.2.
Our desktop app has received some primo lovin' too. With the 2.10 update, we've improved the best location selection to favor 10 Gbps servers, added more OpenVPN and WireGuard anti-censorship workarounds, and added support for private key passwords in OpenVPN custom configs. Yep, we really are that awesome.
Linux user? Don't worry, we got you. Windscribe supports all open (source) relationships. With over 80 changes pushed in July alone, our CLI is in better shape than Schwarzenegger in his prime. We're also releasing a standalone CLI in the not-so-distant future (currently in Guinea Pig stage on GitHub), a strong independent CLI that don't need no man. Stay tuned like Saturday morning cartoons for the release date! (And remember, if you have the GUI installed, please remove before testing the CLI).
If you're considerably smarter than the average bear and speak multiple languages, you'll notice improved translations including Chinese, Polish, and Ukrainian. If you barely speak one language, then rest assured you're still smarter than the average bear. Because bears only speak bear, and that is a useless language for humans to know. Unless you're into seducing bears, you sicko.
Want to take a deep dive into all of the app updates? Here are the desktop app changelogs for you to savor.
Windscribe's Wonderful Website
Psst hey kid, you a fan of transparency? Windscribe is the Crystal Pepsi of the VPN world, except we're not disgusting and we have lasted a lot more than 2 years on the market. In the spirit of crystal clarity, we've been upgrading our website, including the highly informative Status Page. We're talking a serious facelift. Botox, Brazilian butt lift, ankle slendering, pinky finger extensions - the whole 9 yards. Or 8.22 meters if you're not a freedom-loving imperial unit chad. Check it out and see the connection status of every Windscribe location in our harem, as well as current overall usage stats across our entire network. Knowledge is power! And with power, comes great responsibility. So don't use this knowledge for evil.
Windscribe Feature of the Month: MAC Spoofing
The Windscribe apps have more features than a car on Pimp My Ride, except, you know... useful. But what good are useful features if people don't know about them? Exactly. That's why we're introducing you to our latest recurring newsletter section: The Windscribe Feature of the Month. Every month we are gonna talk about one of the many bangin' features on our apps. This month's selection: MAC spoofing.
Your MAC address is like a tramp stamp, it lets the internet know what kind of user you are. Also you can't get rid of it. But with the Windscribe desktop application, you can cover it up with something different. Our MAC spoofing feature obscures your computer's identifiable MAC address with a different MAC address. You can also rotate the MAC address as many times as you want!
Everything you ever wanted to know about MAC Spoofing. Basically.
Control Deez Queries
We've told you about our newest baby, Control D, before - and it has been maturing into a tough little hombre. We are super excited to announce an integration with Tailscale. That's right. THE Tailscale. We've also cleaned the gunk out of CD's eyes and told it to stand up straight, with UI updates, ultra-streamlined billing, email reports and a ton more. If you find Windscribe useful, Control D has the potential to blow your natural mind. You should definitely check it out, it'll revolutionize your home/business network and impress all kinds of people that are into optimized, secure home and business networks. Try the free version now, or get Control D Pro for half price if you are already a Windscribe Pro subscriber.
Until Next Time,
Team Windscribe